The School has a Friends of the School Association. All parents are automatically enrolled as members of this Association. Its aims are simple: The bringing together of the School and the local community at an informal level.

The events organised help to raise funds, which are used to enrich the life of the children at this school. We believe it is important that the children should also be involved in the activities of the Association, thus helping in the creation of a family atmosphere.

The school has benefited a great deal from their fundraising already.  Future funds will be used to buy books for the library and support visits out for the children, therefore if you can assist in any way to organise or help out at the events (or just attend and spend!) it is for a good cause.

The newsletter diary lists the up and coming events for the current school year. If you have any comments or would like to attend the meetings then come along and have your say, you will be very welcome.